Ways to Support us!
Save 60% on these amazing passes.Eagle Pathway will recieve $5.00 for every pass purchased to help support our programs.
code EaglePathway
# YK708
Fry’s Community Rewards Program
Every time a member shops for groceries and swipes their card, Eagle Pathway automatically earns a rebate. Simply register your Fry’s V.I.P. Card online at www.FrysFood.com, using our organization name (Eagle Pathway and/or NPO number (YK708 ) by following the steps below.
STEP 1: Creating an Online Fry’s Account
**NOTE: If you already have an online Fry’s account, skip to Step 2 below.
Select ‘Create an Account’
Under Sign-In information, enter your email and create a password.
(Write down your email & password — will need it in step 2) -
Select ‘Use Card Number’
Enter your Fry’s V.I.P Card Number, last name and postal code
Under ‘Select Your Preferred Store’ enter your postal code
Select ‘Find Stores’
Choose your store then select ‘Create Account’
You will then be prompted to check your email for a confirmation email
Click the hyperlink in your email to finish creating your Online Fry’s Account
Continue to step #2 to register for the Fry’s Community Rewards Program of your choice
STEP 2: Register for the Fry’s Community Rewards Program
Select ‘Sign-In’
Enter your email and password then select ‘sign in’
(This will be the email and password you created in step 1)
Select ‘My Account then select ‘Account Settings’ from drop down menu
Click ‘edit’ under Community Rewards. If prompted, enter personal information
Under Find Your Organization: Enter the NPO number YK708 or Eagle Pathway then select ‘search’
Under Select Your Organization: Select the box next to Eagle Pathway
Then select ‘save changes’
If you have registered correctly, you should now see Eagle Pathway listed under ‘Community Rewards’ on your Account Summary page.
Thank you for helping the youth and single mothers we serve!